Visa Application Skip to main content

Visa Application

This page is dedicated to help you navigate through the process of obtaining visas to either Canada, New Zealand, or Austalia.

General Information


We are located in Provo, Utah nestled up against the beautiful Wasatch Mountains. Our Address is 1750 N Wymount Terrace Drive, Provo, UT 84604. Please take a look at our location map for ease in planning for your travel.

For your convenience, prices and general information are below to help you determine the cost of the services you will require.

*Click on the specific country you need for more information.


Age 65+: $452
Ages 40-64: $421
Ages 18-39: $399
Ages 15-17: $337
Ages 12-14: $266
Age 11: $255
Ages 5-10: $173
Ages 1-4: $152
Ages < 1: $141

*A more detailed price breakdown is on the Canada page.

New Zealand

Age 65+: $579
Ages 40-64: $548
Ages 18-39: $526
Ages 15-17: $464
Ages 14: $184
Age < 15 (Limited): $218
Ages 12-14 (Limited): $184
Ages 5-11: $173
Ages 1-4: $152
Ages < 1: $141

*A more detailed price breakdown is on the New Zealand page.


australia (1).png
Ages 65+: $438
Ages 40-64: $407
Ages 18-39: $385
Ages 15-17: $323
Ages 12-14: $266
Age 11: $255
Ages 5-10: $173
Ages 1-4: $152
Ages < 1: $141

*A more detailed price breakdown is on the Australia page.

*For visa physical appointments and other questions about visas please call 801-422-5538.